The world's longest Ripple vanity account.

After months of tinkering, Richard from ToastWallet and I have a very proud announcement to make:
I am now the owner of the longest Ripple Vanity Address.
At 11 characters long it is the longest vanity Ripple account in the world.
Ladies, please contain yourselves. I know that this entirely unnecessary feather in my cap is pointless, but here is why I am so excited about it:
Ripple accounts are reuseable.
This is HUGE for vanity address use. If you make a vanity Bitcoin address, you shouldn't, for security purposes, reuse the address after your first initial send.
Ripple vanity accounts can be pre-generated, and then transferred with zero trust.
Because of the regularkey / masterkey setup, I can transfer rLogicaLness to any other user without them trusting me. They simply generate a new ripple account, and I transfer the regularkey to that public key in the keypair, and disable the master key. Simple.
Ripple ICOs are the !@#$, and need custom addresses to better identify themselves.**
Self explanatory.
You can get involved!
There are two ways to get involved, if you want a cool, long vanity address, we can add your bounty to the pool. We'll generate it for you for XRP. Richard will eventually set up a store to sell already discovered addresses.
Or if you have a GPU lying around and you want to help us generate some long Ripple accounts (and then sell them) you can join our private Ripple vanity mining pool located at
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